Q. How many homes are in the neighborhood?
A. There are 138 homes in Elk Pointe.
Q. Does the neighborhood have any restrictions?
A. Yes, there are a set of restrictive covenants in the Elk Pointe subdivision. Please contact the Board if you have further questions concerning the covenants.
Q. Are the neighborhood dues?
A. Yes, the $75.00/year homeowner dues are used to maintain the community property, maintain landscaping, and pay utility bills for the areas.
Q. What if I don’t pay the homeowner dues? A. If you don’t pay your dues on time, a 10% late fee will be added. Once you are 90 days late, the HOA will put a lien on the property. A lien will be placed each year the the property is delinquent. Each lien will come with a $60 fee that covers the cost of applying and removing the lien, along with other costs associated with it.
Q. When is trash pick up for the neighborhood? A. Currently, the city trash comes every Wednesday and the recycling comes around every other Wednesday. Yard waste is also picked up every Wednesday, but your yard waste must be in a container that’s labeled YARD WASTE, although large items like tree limbs can be stacked up near the street (please keep the sidewalks free from obstructions). Also, the City of Jeffersonville will pick up large items such as furniture and appliances on Fridays, but you MUST CALL THE STREET DEPT by the close of Thursday or they will not pick it up.
Q. Does the neighborhood have yard sales? A. Yes, the neighborhood has 2 yard sales a year. The first is the Saturday following Memorial Day, the second is the Saturday following Labor Day.
Q. Who do I call for information, or with complaints, for the City?
A. The following City of Jeffersonville phone numbers:
City Planning & Zoning: 812-285-6413
City Streets & Sanitation: 812-285-6455
Drainage Dept.: 812-285-6476
Mayor’s Office: Mike Moore – 812-285-6402
City Council Representatives:
Bill Burns: (502) 649-8744
Scott Hawkins: (502) 548-9129